Four centuries of Brazilian art

05/25/2002 Folha de S. Paulo – Newspaper – Bruno Lima

Four centuries of Brazilian art(Click para ver a notícia original)

Are you ready for a trip that worth the time of four centuries? That is the path taken by those who read the four books of the art series for children of Nereide Santa Rosa writer, 48.Are paintings, sculptures and works of art that help tell the story of Brazil. And the best is that the author speaks of a serious matter while books are kept not boring.The “Series History of Brazilian Art for Children” (Pinakotheke publisher, R $ 15,00 each volume) tells the story of Brazilian art until you get to today’s artists, who are free to create.
The “Series History of Brazilian Art for Children” (Pinakotheke publisher, R $ 15,00 each volume) tells the story of Brazilian art until you get to today’s artists, who are free to create.
Since the camera had not yet been invented in the 17th and 18th centuries, the work of registering images of Brazil was due to the painters. According to the book “Cities and Forests”, these artists, who came from Europe, were great adventurers.
A Brazilian art begins to born with the modernists. Artists who brought a new way of thinking and making art at the beginning of the 20th century book “Dreams and Reality” shows that there is room for fantasy and social criticism. By 1950, says, “Colors and Shapes,” the artists create new features to express your imagination. The results are often abstract figures. Everyone feels an emotion to see the work.