Childhood Villa-Lobos

13/11/2009 – 08h00 – Folha de S.Paulo – Newspaper – Fabiana Seragusa

Pedagogue tells details of the childhood of Villa-Lobos (Click to see the original news)

Heitor Villa-Lobos already liked the music of German composer Sebastian Bach since he was eight years old. As soon as his aunt Zizinha, get home, and then she is “forced” to play his favorite songs on the piano.
That and other childhood moments of the most important Brazilian conductor described in “Famous Children: Villa-Lobos” (Callis Publisher, 2009), produced by writer and educator Nereide Schilaro Santa Rosa. With fluent text and full of graphics, the purpose of the book is to bring the children of today the life and work of this icon of the music.
To learn more about the project, how reveals itself the genius of the composer. His facility with the sounds and musical instruments, the Livraria da Folha talked to the author about the importance of people knew the Villa-Lobos’s history in current days.
Livraria da Folha- What is the importance to children know the life and, the work of Villa-Lobos?
Nereide Schilaro Santa Rosa – We appreciate what we know. Introduce the child to the Villa-Lobos’s work makes they know new sounds and rhythms, musical instruments, finally, gives the opportunity to develop your hearing acuity and refine his musical style. Villa-Lobos’s works inspired by the children’s ciranda. For example, bring an unusual sound to the child universe and this is especially interesting for the child, who is still forming their concepts and their musical styles. In addition, the fact of knowing the life of Heitor Villa-Lobos or the small Tu-hu, brings the child closer to the musical universe of the composer’s work, the instrumentist and conductor.
Livraria da Folha- In your opinion, what is the most memorable moment of the childhood of the composer?
Nereide- I believe that there are several, mostly related to their contact with various sounds. However, I would highlight the moment when his father modifies a guitar into violoncello, so, Heitor, still a boy, could play the instrument. Today Heitor Villa-Lobos is internationally recognized as the greatest composer of works directed to that instrument.